Monday 20 September 2010

Wet Wet Wet!!!

Monday is here and the sun was shining and I was out fitting today so we could get a job finished that we started on Friday, and all in all it’s been a good start to the week but the weekend was so wet and miserable.
So as usual on Saturday I set off to Conwy Golf club to tackle one of Wales finest links.  As I’m driving down the A55 towards the North Wales coast the sky suddenly starts to look grey and dismal, but I was determined not to let it spoil my enjoyment....or so I thought!!
As I spanked my ball off the first tee with my trusty 3 iron it soon became very obvious it was going to be a wet day, and by the time I’m marking a bogey 5 on my card on the 2nd tee it’s seriously throwing it down, Cats, Dogs and all.
After a wet 4 hour walk and and not much luck on the Links I found refuge within the clubhouse and a nice pint of beer.  And it was in the 19th that I was reminded that I was doing it again on Sunday.  This thought didn’t fill me full of joy and yes Sunday was worse than Saturday and I did get wet, very wet.
So it’s back to pricing up work in the morning and then blogging about the Double Glazing industry in the afternoon.  But please please let the sun it does for our friends down in the south!!

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